December 16th

River Wylye

Salisbury & District Angling Club

The prospect of fly fishing in December is not always an exciting one. Today it was a typical day; cold and grey with a cutting wind. However, I've been kept off rivers for over two weeks, and so the urge to fish was just too great.

I'm glad I went, as I was greeted by the beauty of flowing water and a large brown trout cruising and rising frequently. At times the fish was heading and tailing (and to my mind risking frostbite). What was going on? The answer was drifting down the river. Olives were hatching off in the wan light and bitter cold of mid winter.

The grayling were obliging, rising and taking the dry fly as well as the nymph. In a little under two hours, 6 fish came to hand and were quickly released. Grayling are wonderful fish, shimmering silver and fit in the cold water. And the river was lovely even at the nadir of the year. It was worth the journey. Cold hands and feet soon revived in the heated car as I drove home, tranquil and happy.


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River Wylye
